PFTrack - одна из наиболее продвинутых систем трекинга камер (camera tracking) и анализа данных движения, является лучшим Match Mover для создания визуальных эффектов экстра класса. Новая версия PFTrack предлагает новый уровень совершенства и качества посредством множества новых возможностей. PFTrack, launched in 2003, quickly established itself as the Match Mover of choice for high-end visual effects productions, when its ground breaking features quickly brought revolutionary new tools to the desk top, including many firsts; integrated optical flow, geometry tracking, multiple motion solving and per pixel Z depth extraction. Since its inception, a rapidly growing number of renowned visual effects companies use Pixel Farm products and PFTrack in particular, these include: Sony Imageworks, UbiSoft, Riot, Stan Winston Studios, Digital Domain, Cinesite, Double Negative, Entity, CORE Digital, MPC and Animal Logic.
Not only does PFTrack provide you with the best and most cost effective professional Match Moving system on the market but it also allows you to generate Optical flow data, Z depth data and geometry for use in your entire visual effects pipeline. Owning PFTrack is like having your very own visual effects Swiss Army Knife, but one in which you choose exactly which tools you need.